Getting rid of a low CPC for publisher’s Adsense adverts can seem like an impossible task. You may have the highest click through rate on your adverts. However, if you don’t have a high cost per click, it will produce peanuts for earnings which can be quite frustrating. However, there are some simple ways you can improve upon your CPC and get it up to a standard where you are making a lot of money. Here are some ways you can increase your advert’s CPC.
#1 Display Less Adverts
With increasing Adsense advert CPC, it is all about competition. By default, Google allow you to display at maximum three adverts of any size and type on one single page. By decreasing this number will mean your page has less adverts on it. Incorporating the ‘supply and demand’ term, having less supply (being the adverts) will increase demand thus increasing CPC.
#2 Display Highest CTR Advert First
Google’s Adsense program works in a way which looks at which adverts loads first on a webpage. The first advert that loads on the webpage will have the most demand for the simple reason that it loads first. Therefore, advertisers want to gain this spot first because their advert will load first increasing the time the visitor will see their advert. From this, make sure the advert that gets the highest CTR loads first in your HTML. This will make sure advertisers bid for this advert before the other lower CTR adverts.
#3 Aim At High Paying Keywords
If your articles on your website have keywords which advertisers pay a low amount for, your CPC will be low. Through the use of AdWords Keyword Tool, find out what keywords have the most competition and therefore the highest CPC. This will enable you to make articles around these keywords in future which should improve your CPC in the long term.
#4 Display Relevant Adverts
Sometimes, when Adsense hasn’t an idea what your content is about, they will display non-relevant adverts which #1 have a low CTR and #2 have a low CPC. To get Adsense to display relevant adverts the majority of the time, try to implement Adsense Section Targeting to your website. For those with HTML knowledge, this should be pretty easy.
#5 Text and Image/Rich Media
Most people prefer to just use text adverts because they are generally better than image adverts. However, in doing so, they are decreasing the competition for that ad placement on your website. The type of advertisers that use image adverts are the high end businesses that have global advertising campaigns. Therefore, you can safely bet that they will have a high CPC to accommodate this.
#6 Use An Ad Filter
An ad filter blocks out the low paying advertisers from competing for ad placements on your website. In turn, this means that your CPC should increase as the only advertisers left to bid for your ad space are the high paying advertisers. To install an ad filter to your Adsense publisher side, use the Ad Black List.
#7 Target With Your Domain Name
Your domain name effects quite alot of things on a website from pagerank to traffic. If your domain name is strongly related to the content on that domain name’s site, it will serve as a double boost to you. This is because it will tell Adsense more specifically what your website’s content is about. The more specific the website is, the more advertisers that will want to advertise on it increasing CPC. A website about super cars will attract Ferrari as an advertiser more than a website about cars in general.
#8 Make Your Website a Niche
Creating a website that has many alternatives such as websites in the music, sport and entertainment areas means advertisers have many alternative websites to bid on. If they didn’t get the highest bid on one website, they can move to the next website and so fourth. This will in turn make the CPC of your adverts decrease because there is more ‘supply’ for demand. Creating a niche website means that there’s only one website like yours on the internet. Therefore, if advertisers want to advertise on your site, they will have to outbid any advertiser that is also bidding because there are no alternatives. This should raise your CPC.
#9 Quality of Content
Google always say it and I’m sure you are sick of hearing it too: content is king. It is indeed. The reason advertisers want to advertise on websites is for the content. The content brings ‘contextual-like’ organic traffic from SEO which will provide a higher conversion rate for advertisers. If your content is good and specific, you will get a good CPC that reflects this. It’s all about creating discoverable content.
#10 Location of Visitors
With Adsense, the general rule of thumb is that the highest cost per clicks come from America and United Kingdom. Therefore, it makes sense to try and aim your content to these locations. This is true for more than one reason: my experience with Ad Dynamo. Ad Dynamo is a South African PPC program that I have used in the past. I found that the highest CPC for their adverts came from South Africa itself. This makes it clear that the origin of the program itself will provide the highest CPC. For Adsense, this is America and then possibly United Kingdom.
#11 Your Website’s Pagerank
The pagerank of a website gives a statistic which we can measure the success of the website to. A higher pagerank (10 being highest) is strongly desired by many bloggers. It also means that their websites are of high quality content and tells others that it is a successful website that gets specific organic traffic. This means that advertisers will want to advertise on the higher page ranking websites rather than the lower ones. If you have a low pagerank and low CPC, do not be surprised. Use SEO and other techniques to increase your pagerank and in turn, you should see an increase in CPC.
#12 Ad Placement
Although the placement of adverts on a websites is stereotypical more known for increasing CTR, it also effects the CPC of the adverts too. Advertisers bid higher for adverts that are more likely to be clicked upon by the visitor. Therefore, adverts that are inside the content or just above the content will serve to have the highest CPC. Advertisers know that their advert will be seen more by the visitor inside or just above the content than in the sidebar. Therefore, they will pay more for this ad placement.
#13 Reduce Click Fraud
There is the argument whether click fraud can be stopped. Either way, you can still reduce it. By making sure you and others you know don’t click on your website’s adverts will reduce the click fraud associated with them adverts. Google will therefore trust you more as a publisher and will give your adverts more advertisers to advertise to. More advertisers means more competition which results in a higher CPC. The more the legit your clicks are on your adverts, the more advertisers will pay for their adverts to be displayed there.
#14 Size of Advert
Advertisers prefer the squarer adverts rather than the rectangular ones. This is because when you see a 468×60 advert, you straight away know it is an advert. The whole internet knows it’s an advert! The 336×280 and 300×250 adverts are most desired by adverts because they are usually blended into the template of the website and near the content. This results in a higher CTR for the advertiser which the advertise will pay good money for (meaning a high CPC).
By implementing the above points should increase your CPC providing you much higher earnings. I do think having a low CPC is much more frustrating than a low CTR. With a low CTR, you know it’s your fault because you didn’t use the right colours, placement and sizes. However, with CPC, it seems like it can’t be your fault. Instead, it feels like it’s Adsense’s fault. However, from reading this article, I hope you have learnt that it kind of is your fault and due to this, you can improve your CPC.
I found effective way here to earn more from adsense, i have use most of the tricks above, my site receives above 1300 visitors a day, but only 10 to 12 clicks daily, it's makes me feel angry on google.
Your Adsense CTR is around 0.9% which can definitely be improve upon. Have a try of the above to improve it.
Hello Bro, I have a website sports related but actually my cpc is extremely low. I have huge traffic from Us, UK but nothing is changing. This is my website: Can you suggest me anything?
Hi Tiki Taka,
Just had a look at your website and there might be a few reasons you have a low CPC. The topic of what you are about, mainly football, will only attract advertisers such as betting companies etc. which I have a suspicion don't pay out hugely (since Bet365 are always on spam websites advertising).
Another factor I haven't included above is the ad categories you choose. In Adsense, you have the option of stopping certain ad categories and ad URLS from showing on your adverts, hence stopping the low CPC and CTR advertisers from appearing on your ad units (look at the 'allow & block ads' tab in Adsense).
Your content looks good so keep up improving these small things here and there and it will start to creep up.
its sad to hear that some stupid did this to you ..we work hard to get approval from adsense and when somebody does this stupidity then it really hurts. I have got approval after three attempts and if that will happen to me then it will definitely frustrate me …….but there’s one thing on which i don’t agree with you is that you said above is, adsense is the best way to earn money from blog…i don’t think that there’s a lot of ways to earn much better than Adsense …one of the biggest example is affiliate marketing and affiliate networking.
Hi Darrin,
Was is it exactly are you referring to at the start?
For the majority of websites, Adsense is the best to earn money from a blog. Traffic levels for some websites are not high enough for affiliate or even banner advertising to be deemed effective and Adsense has the backing of Google behind it, who are constantly innovating new ideas into it such as the new mobile adverts that appear while a website loads.
Affiliate can be effective. However, you need to have a website that enables affiliate marketing to work.
I’m a new blogger and wait for monetize my website, could you help me telling me which is the best option to monetize my website…???
Ashley Jones
I have tried Google Adense several times with different websites, blogs and changing contents. All the time they have rejected without a reason. Looking at Google search I have tried alternatives which was mentioned in this post. No use, from Infolinks I just earned 6 cents after one month. Unless the ads displayed are very attractive and good, no body will click, Most of the times, infolinks popup ad, people cut them as it is disturbing.
So finally it is very difficult to earn single cent through internet. All are cheating and bogus.
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Hello William Green
Let me know one thing whether I can use single ADSENSE account for multiple web site. If yes! Please tell me how?
Hello Upendra,
From my understanding, one Adsense account can be used for multiple websites, as long as you stay within the terms and conditions for each website.
My adsense account had disabled due to invalid click activity since 13 Oct 2014. I have appealed 2 times but it rejected, i never tried to violate any of terms & conditions of adsense. Tell me please can i apply for adsense through another email address for the same blogs. If not then recommend me best alternatives of adsense.
I have a question and i hope you won’t mind it …….. Have you ever faced any kind of hacking attack on your site ??? I am asking this because yesterday i faced a brute force attack on my WP site …somebody 20 times tried to log in on my blog and after that he/she was blocked by a plugin that i am currently using on my blog. I want to ask what preventive measures can i take to prevent such attacks in future…The hacker was trying to log in with Admin as a username which is a very common mistake made by most of new WP users, but thankfully i knew that thing before i started my blog.