When it comes to monetising my website, the first and most obvious choice to go for is Google Adsense. When you say PPC, you say Adsense. However, after using Adsense for around a year now, I feel I could possibly make more money else where with competitors to Adsense. For this reason, I looked at Media.net. Here is my experience with them.
What is Media.net?
Media.net is a contextual advertising company that uses the Yahoo and Bing network to display relevant adverts on websites. Therefore, it can be seen that it is Google vs Yahoo + Bing. I think this makes clear that it is not a small size advertising company that are rapidly expanding like Ad Dynamo are. Media.net, at only two years old, has already become a huge influence in advertising online.
What Does Media.net Offer?
Before you step into the deep end to try out Media.net, you may want to know what Media.net has up to offer. From my experience, it does seem that Media.net does offer more than most PPC companies:
- A mentor to help you – When you do sign up for Media.net (which you have to request for and then get accepted), you are allocated a mentor who works for Media.net and helps you with optimising your adverts to increase earnings: something Google has never done.
- Content related adverts – Media.net scans the content of the page to load up the most relevant adverts. This is the typical contextual advert where the advert is only related to the content.
- Search related adverts – A new idea to PPC, instead of looking to relate the adverts to the content of your page, the adverts are related to what the web user searched using a search engine to get to your website. Therefore, if your website doesn’t satisfy the needs of the web user from their search result, your Media.net advert might instead.
- New Ad sizes – As well as Media.net having the most common advert sizes for publishers to use, they also have a 600×250 advert that looks extremely good for above content adverts. The 728×90 advert has always been too big to place above content. 600×250 might be the right size for alot of bloggers.
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Media.net’s 600×250 Advert |
As you can see, Media.net has basically matched Adsense but also gone above and beyond in what they offer to publishers. Exclusivity, freedom and diversification.
Pros To Media.net
High Earnings
Although the information Media.net give to users is not much, they do give you the RPM of your website which after one week, I have been averaging around $3. Compare that to Google that was $1.50, Media.net has doubled that.
Nice Looking Adverts
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Believe it or not! This is a 336×280 Media.net Advert |
When I saw the ad layouts for Media.net adverts, I was really impressed. The adverts don’t look like adverts which is exactly what publishers want. This in turn will help to increase clicks and revenue.
Great Support
With each and every publisher having a dedicated mentor to help them, whenever you get in trouble no matter what the problem is, your mentor will be able to help you. For one thing, it is definitely better than attempting to search the net and hope for the best to stumble onto a good article!
Simple User Interface
I think it is important to mention the UI of Media.net since you may find yourself spending alot of time on it. The UI is similar to Google Adsense in the way that before you have used the program, you know how to use it. It is extremely easy to use which is great for people starting up with Media.net.
Cons to Media.net
Not Enough Statistics
The only statistics Media.net supplies are:
- Impressions
- Estimated earnings
That is it. There are no CPC, CTR or anything else of the sort you can look at. This is a problem because you won’t know how to improve your advert to gain more clicks.
Payments in Dollars
Another problem Media.net faces is with going global. It is great for Americans. However, for people like me from England or any other country with a different currency, we don’t want our earnings in dollars. The result of this means that when it comes to converting my earnings back to British sterling, I will lose a few dollars due to the cost of exchanging money.
Why You Should Use Media.net
After this review and experience, I really think bloggers, that have used Adsense, should give Media.net a go. My main reason for this is the impressions. When my website was gaining roughly 1,000 views a day, my Adsense account would only get around 500-700 ad views because of ad blockers etc. When I switched to Media.net adverts, I was gaining near exactly the same amount of actual impressions being 1,000. This was a real shock because that means Media.net adverts are already at a 30-50% advantage to Adsense. I don’t know why, but, Media.net adverts are displayed more times than Adsense on the same website.
After reading this, what do you think about Media.net? Will you be trying them? I would be interested to hear people’s experiences with them and how it compares to Adsense.
Thank you
This article is very informative Pay per Click Services
Thanks for the good feedback. For future, commentors, if you have any questions about Media.net, feel free to ask them as a comment and I will get back to you ASAP.
I've had great success with Media.net myself. The lovely fact about them is that they design your ads and make them more appealing to your visitors. With Media.net I monetized a part of my website that wasn't monetized before because Adsense or related ad networks was making a low amount of money there. Media.net makes a lot more (10-20 times more than other ad network tried by me in certain locations from my website).
They have a lot of ad designs and some of their ads don't even look like ads. I mean, most of the web users are already tired by the Adsense ads and some of them already know those are ads, yet might not click on them so often. But Yahoo/Media.net ads are new, yet more appealing to users to click and the owner of the website to make more money. Their RPM is kinda good, which mean the CPC is a lot higher than other ad networks down there.
I have to agree with that. I am intrigued to see your Media.net adverts on your website. Any chance you can send me the URL of your website?
Media.net are a breath of fresh air to PPC which is great news for publishers. I love every part of them except the fact the earnings is in dollars. Not everyone is an American blogger!
thank you i'm frome algerie i <3 your nice post and i will follow you
A little update from myself. After trying out media.net, I found the earnings to dwindle away to nothing really. So, i spoke to my Media.net expert and he told me that they are working on what colour etc. is best for my website for maximum earnings. It's a great feeling knowing there are people out there wanting you and trying to make you money!
thanks for this review. i'm on my first week trying them out. RPM fluctuates, sometimes high, sometimes low as I could see them testing different ad formats / color combinations. hopefully, i could see a better and consistently high RPM in the future.
If Media.net is so good, why are you not using them on this post? You are using Adsense…
Around hen I was using Media.net, their advertising team were experimenting with different ad sizes, colours and type for over a month and a half. During this time, my RPM was extremely poor which was understandable as they were experimenting. I had to tell them in the end that I couldn't wait that long to start making money with them seeing as Ask Will Online donates to charity. Therefore, I had to abandon them. However, in the far future, I would still be interested to try them out and maybe just adopt the same advertising size colour and type which I currently use for Adsense.
Nice post
can you pls let us know what is the minimum approx alexa rank that you require for media.net
The way you can get accepted by Media.net does not specifically require a certain Alexa rank. I had no trouble in being accepted for Media.net. I think they base it more on how much traffic you gain per month than any other statistic, much like BuySellAds.
Dear WIl Green this is nice article but i didn't understand what does mean RPM in media net
How to get more RPM in medianet
I hope u will replay….
RPM stands for 'revenue per thousand impressions'. Therefore if it is $2, for every 1,000 impressions your advert gets, it brings in $3 of revenue. The problem with Media.net is that they don't tell you the two main statistics that affect the RPM being the CPC and CTR – you can't tell if your RPM is high/low because of your CPC OR your CTR.
This answers your other question that to get higher RPM, you need to increase your CTR and CPC.
If media.net will start showing reports like adsense i am sure it will beat google adsense.
They are best alternative to Google Adsense. In some niche they are even better. But, to be effective limit other ads (Inline, pop up under…etc) and have no more than 5 ads/page. If you have Adsense, mix it with Media.net. You will rock.
Also, don't expect consistent earnings every day. That's case with Adsense too. But, on a month it will average out.
I generate only 1,600 – 1,800 per day. In the weekends it's around 1,000. But, RPM is around $7 from Media.net alone, due to the niche.
Also, talk/email to the account mangers about you reasonable RPM expectation. They will make sure that proper campaigns tracked to your site. Also, cooperate with them on the experiment. You may loose some earnings for a month. But, you may end up with good CTR/RPM based on your visitors behavior.
Also, be honest and don't try to make $ over night. If you have kicked out of Adsense, Media.net is your best bet. If Media.net bans you… I believe, you can forget about making money online and wait until you get minimum visitor 25K/month. Because, you make over $100/month through CPM ads, only if you get that much amount of traffic/month.
As google says " Follow the user…. All else will follow" and you don't have to be evil to make $. Read this : https://www.google.com/intl/en/about/company/philosophy/
Happy Blogging.
A great comment there. However, the $7 RPM sounds too good to be true for Media.net. Ask Will Online is currently getting around 40,000/month and the Adsense earnings are no comparison for $7/1000 views.
Sorry… I about to say $7/day… so little over $4/RPM…! end of the day actual earnings matters. Their earnings got lot better after the Yahoo-Bing deal.
May 2013 (31 days) – 44K Impression $4+(RPM) $210+ earnings…!
Also, the payment is on time..! I need to work on the increasing the visitors/month.
Adsense is the best, no doubt. My point is Media.net is as good as Adsense, as long as it works for you. Again… Their customer support is good. So, email them… work with them and try different ad formats… the look and feel of the ad… let them to decide as they know better..!
Also, for CPM… try Bizo.com. it's 2+ minimum. They accept small site too as long as you have decent site. If you have 10K unique visitors/month… it goes closer to $4.
Well, from your experience, I am actually going to try Media.net again! I get roughly the same amount of traffic as you but NOWHERE NEAR as much earnings. So, I'll give Media.net a go for a week and see how things plan out!
It worth giving a try. But, niche matters, I guess…! Like Law, Medicine, Finance niches are highly profitable ones…! I would rather replace your 600*250 with 300*250 and wrapped with the content. As your posts tend run long, i would add a 300*600 on the side bar around half way through the page. That would give an opportunity for your visitors to checkout the ads, if they are interested in. Also make the ads to stand out from your content. Don't blend them too much. You really want the user to click the ad, if they are clearly interested in. As Media.net uses double click method ( for the keyword based ads… i believe) any accidental clicks not going to convert anyways.
Well, I did a little experiment. In two days, I made $3 will Media.net which is pretty pathetic. With just a 336×280 advert on or half a day, I made $4? So you mean a 300×600 advert in sidebar or embedded in posts?
In the sidebar. It will cover quite bit area, so the visitor can see the ad as they read your article. I really don't know how much you make with Adsense. Here is my take. Off course you are an expert in this field. So you know better. Don't take me wrong. Also, if Adsense work for you… just stick with it.
People visit you site to read you content. I came here to review about media.net. But, I see nothing but ad(s) above the fold. I don't see any ads after the fold where you have real content. I am not sure why are you leaving space on the right hand side of the ad. Start the paragraph in that space, so your ad will be nicely wrapped..like this page.
So, visitors will spend sometime around your ad.
Also, try running 300*600 on the sidebar and see. I take it you are not making fortune out of the ad earnings. Also, you are not depended upon this earnings. So, give a try. Until you try… we never know… 🙂
That's really helpful advice!
I have tried the 300×250 wrapped but the results were not as good as a 336×280 just above the content.
The sidebar, I have struggle with gaining a decent CTR. I will try it again and see how it goes though.
wel dear i am also using Media.net and i am getting $4 RPM atm, mine question is does any one get paid by media.net?? if yes any Proof?
Well… on 30th…! The first email that will reach your inbox is from payment handler @ paypal. Off course once you hit the $100 limit.
Will Green@ i am also using Media.net and most of the Traffic should be from UK, Canada and USA then they will accept your site, and there average RPM is from $2 to $12 depends how much cpc on that day, i have used both Adsense and media.net and now i can say that they are the best when it comes to email support and also there RPM is much higher than Adsense, There ads are not looking like ads just blend to the content of the pages and you have the option to select colors that matches ur site, If you want to get high RPM then only use bigger ads like 300×280 and 600×200, i am sharing my personal experience hope it helps you.
Your experience sounds really good! It makes me want to use Media.net again IF I could gain a RPM as high as yours. Does your website have a niche as Media.net pays better to niches?
i have submited my website to media.net yesterday my site has 2k plus visits/day dont know if they will accept it.. adsense had already accepted my website. but i am waiting for media.net
Thank you about your tips Will, but im still confused why my RPM reports in media.net decreased day by day, until now my RPM $0.91 ( start early in the rpm range at $7 I hope you can give me tips
Thank you very much
I cannot help you with that unfortunately sorry. There could be many reasons why your RPM decreases on a daily basis. If I was you, I would look at any variables to see how that might affect your RPM such as impressions per day, traffic sources and so on..
You should be accepted by Media.net for the amount of traffic you are gaining.
Hi, I wanna know if the revenue is dependent on the clicks of visitors or do they also pay base on impression?
Does RPM increases as impression increases? Is there any direct relationship between them? My experience is that, My impression went significantly high but my RPM and earnings went significantly low at the same time. Any idea how it works?
Just like Adsense, it is both on impressions and clicks. Some adverts they display will payout out per 1,000 impressions while others pay per click. The combination of the both is the RPM displayed.
Unfortunately, there is no link. The RPM should stay pretty consistent considering the content on your website does not alter. If your impressions increase, your earnings should if your RPM stays the same. However, I have found like you that the more impressions you gain, the lower your RPM can potentially go. A reason for this could be because before hand, the previous RPM was not fully representative because there was not enough traffic coming to your website to display a respective RPM.
Did you get payment from Media,net atleast once? Many forums confusing me that some people told media.net is scam. Why? They are SCAM? or they will Pay? I reached $100 minimum threshold. if my RPM goes low in future, will I get $100 (earned money)? I show media.net ad on http://mypaidjobs.com
I stopped before reaching the threshold. However, they are a company run by Yahoo and Bing so they are NOT a scam but a serious contender for Adsense. If you reach the threshold, you will be paid.
I made $2 in first week then it goes with zero income. Media.net sucks.
Is this media.net supported in Bahasa Indonesia? Thank you
I am not sure whether Bahasa Indonesia supports Media.net – the best way to find out is to try and use their service in Bahasa Indonesia!
Wow your article is really important to the valued publishers my siteadwiki really appreciate your thought and warn very aggressive information hopefully sooner or later Media.net CPM rate advises.
Media.net are fraud, a group of layers, when u reached to get paid they will suspend your account with the reason i.e. we are suspending your account due to low traffic, they are all son of bitch. They are suspended my two accounts one by one when I reached to get paid on my site brightverge.com don’t use them they are fucking indians