No matter whether you are a veteran or a newbie who has just joined the blogging ranks, you are bound to come across certain setbacks that will ruin your initial view of the cyber-writing world. Not to burst your bubble, but even if you are still only considering http://www.askwillonlin
It doesn’t take too long for your writing inspiration to take a nosedive, especially if you have a narrow niche. Constantly finding new topics with fresh perspectives and offering original content without resorting to rehashing can be extremely challenging, thus turning your otherwise enjoyable writing process into a real buzzkill.
There will be days when you cannot put together a meaningful sentence despite your love for writing, and you will spend hours trying to remember all those incredibly unique topics. Dealing with
The hassle of hosting:
With so many decisions and issues on your plate, especially at the very beginning of your blogging career, finding the right support system and allocating your modest budget can be overwhelming. Even with a reliable platform such as WordPress, you need to assess your options before settling for the most cost-effective and manageable one, and hosting is on top of the list when it comes to the features you need to keep in mind.
In addition to having complete control over your website, various
The sound of silence:
No matter how rewarding the process is, building a blogging website in the infinite universe of existing successful blogs usually doesn’t result in an overnight boom. Going back to your blog daily to add content that no one seems to respond to, trying to establish a meaningful connection with your audience, struggling to find ways to make yourself stand out in the blogosphere crowd, to what end?
If anything, blogging will test your patience, and the silence of such a crowded space as the World Wide Web can have you question every choice you make. Rather than thinking that you’re doing everything wrong and giving up, you need to prepare yourself for weeks, even months of slow-paced, almost imperceptible progress before you see any real impact.
Time management:
Juggling your potential day job, personal life, social events and your soaring blogging career can make you wish you could clone yourself in order to make everything work. Every minute of your time seems painfully stuffed with chores, scheduled posts, writing assignments and dull grown-up responsibilities you’d gladly skip for a day at the beach.
At first, it’s the struggles of no engagement that get to you most, while as soon as you reach a certain audience it will feel as if your days could double and you still wouldn’t be able to respond to everyone and keep up with your workload, or bask in the glory of your online success. However, keep in mind that once you
In addition to having to write your own posts, think of every milestone, short-term and long-term goal, communicate with your readers and manage your personal life, you also have to deal with the lovely proofreading process. Not only do you have to spend hours on writing your posts, but now you have to check your grammar, punctuation, SEO elements, and originality, to name a few.
You will start dealing with language questions you never knew existed and fact-checking through hundreds of sites with spammy content before you come across a valid resource you can actually quote. But if you stay persistent, this will become one of those natural processes that no longer eat away at your nerves. It just takes time before you get there.
With the numerous perks of being your own boss come many of your pet peeves that you need to tackle in order to enjoy your blogging evolution. But don’t give up just yet, because you will soon realize that the rewards of a successful blog will always outshine the nuisances.
Nate Vickery is a business consultant and an online author mostly focused on startup and SMB marketing. He is also an executive editor at