You will see all over the web social media buttons above articles and blog posts enabling you to share the article with your favourite social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon and more. With Twitter, Twitter provide an extremely easy to use Tweet button which let’s use tweet the article to your followers. As well as that, another company, Tweetmeme has created a rival button which enables you again to retweet the same article. But, which one is better and which one, as a Twitter or blogger user, should you use to tweet and retweet articles on the web and on your blog?Let’s start off with the Twitter Tweet Button
The Twitter tweet button will look something similar to the image on the right and will be a click able button which has a pop-up to which you can sign into your Twitter account and tweet the URL.
- Nice looking button (uses the Twitter blue colour well).
- Shows how many tweets the page has had.
- Official Twitter button (used by the majority of most people).
- Nice pop-up window to send the tweet.
- Button says ‘retweet’ instead of ‘tweet.
- Button is green instead of blue.
- Tweetmeme uses a URL shortener in the pop-up so you have can use Twitter’s 140 characters to your fullest needs.
Each button does exactly the same job. For anyone that is choosing between these two, just pick it on looks and appearances of the button itself. The minor differences between the two isn’t enough to make you go for one than the other.