Most people will find out from this article that they are not using Twitter to it’s full potential. This makes the whole Twitter experience (twitperience!) lacking which can lead to all sorts of problems. Therefore, by implementing and trying out some of these tips will help you improve your experience with Twitter and therefore your enjoyment of the social networking site.
- Change the background picture/colour – Most people still don’t know how to do this. Go to top right, click for the scroll down to appear, settings and then design. Here you can change the background to a single solid colour or a custom picture. I would take a look at which have thousands of pictures customised to Twitter: you will be sure to find a good picture for your Twitter page there.
- Change profile picture – there are still people that have the Twitter picture that comes with everyone account (see it on the right). Again, go into settings and profile and you can upload your own picture.
- Change colour scheme of your profile – Goes without saying really. You want to make your page look different/attractive than others so people follow you.
- Create a bio – People won’t follow you if you don’t say anything about yourself. Therefore Twitter lets you write a short bio that cannot be any longer than 160 characters.
- Spread out your tweets – don’t just tweet once a day with 10 tweets. This will clutter your followers timeline with too many tweets from you which could anger them into un-following you. The key is to tweet about 3-5 times a day with a few hours in between each tweet.
- Interact with your followers – Talk to the people following you and build relations. This will encourage your followers to mention and retweet your tweets making you even more famous on the twitosphere (blogosphere + twitosphere: I’m on fire with these Twitter words!).
- Always keep updating – There is nothing more frustrating than someone who hasn’t updated their information in absolute ages. Keeping up to date will tell your followers you are still there stopping them from un-following you.
- Don’t tweet too much! – As well as tweeting too little, don’t tweet too much! If you tweet too much, your enthusiasm for Twitter will disappear. Make sure you balance out the number of tweets so you look forward every time you go onto Twitter.
- Don’t follow too many people – I at one stage had about 1,000 people I was following and my timeline was out of control. Each one of them was tweeting regularly and retweeting and mentioning as well so my timeline was just forever going on. Only follow those you feel you really want to follow. I now have at the time of writing this, 19 followers. That’s all I need and for most people, under 100 followers is all they need.
- Don’t follow too many lists – Like following people, a list can also clutter your timeline making it impossible to read all of it. In my opinion, I stick away from lists: if you like someone in a list, follow them separately.
The ten tips above will sure enough improve your twitperience. The problem is with people sticking to them. I’m sure you will try them out but maintaining the above is a different question. Ultimately, you are the one who controls your experience on Twitter. If you like to follow loads of people go ahead and follow loads! If it improves your twitperience, do it. However, if you are unsure how your twitperience should be, use the above as guidelines to happiness on Twitter!