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[How to] Overcome Google Panda/Penguin SEO Updates

With Google Panda and Penguin getting rid of the ‘bad websites’ on the internet, some bloggers are finding that their own blogs and websites, that are good, have been affected in a bad way by the Google Algorithm updates. This would have made many bloggers very frustrated and left them wondering, ‘How can I stop this happening?’ How can bloggers overcome and stop Google Panda/Penguin ruining their website and it’s traffic? Below are the ways you can prevent Google updates from affecting your blog.

Search Your Website For ‘Bad’ Content

The chances are that there is an article floating around your website that is of low quality. By ‘low quality’, I mean an article that:
  • Has little to no content (250 words or less).
  • Copied content from other websites.
  • Generally low quality and difficult to read.
If you find articles like this on your website, don’t take the risk and leave them there: delete the articles straight away. The drawbacks to the article far outweigh the traffic and benefits the article gain. 

Improve Your Traffic’s Experience With Your Website

Another reason why websites are affected by Google Panda and Penguin is because the website is not helpful to the web user. Therefore, the web user blocks the website in the Personal Blocklist Chrome Extension which Google acknowledges. For this reason, make your website better! Include links to the highest quality content on your site. Include videos and image to keep your traffic hooked to your page for the right reasons. Don’t let traffic exit your page thinking that it is rubbish. Impress them and from doing this, you will prevent them from blocking your website in Chrome.

Guest Post (Improve Your Page rank)

Guesting posting, from my opinion, is the number one way to gain external links to your website. If your blog has lost traffic to Google Panda or Penguin, aim at writing a couple of guest posts a week for other websites of high quality page ranks. From doing this will help Google realize that your website has got a good page rank bringing traffic back to your blog.

Use Social Media

Although linking and page rank is a great way to prove your website is of high quality, social media is another great way. Think of a tweet or Facebook like as a message of approval. The more tweets and Facebook likes you gain on an article, the more people that approve of that article. Google will see this and realize that the content is not ‘bad’ but in fact very good.

Did Your Write For Google Or People?

When it comes to including SEO in articles, you will find that the articles sound robotic-like, repetitive and not useful. On the other hand, if you write an article for somebody, it will sound normal and will be of use to people. What I am trying to bring to light is that Google knows when you are deliberately trying to search engine optimize your articles. Ultimately, if you write for an audience being Google, you will become affected by Panda/Penguin. If you write for an audience of normal people, you will not be affected.

(Last Resort) Email Google

When I say last resort, I mean the very last resort! You can tell Google that your website should not be affected by Google ‘s updates because it is a good high quality website. However, when it comes to communicating with Google, it is very difficult. Therefore, if you do email Google about Google Panda/Penguin problems, don’t expect a reply. Your email may be read, it might not. That’s how Google rolls unfortunately…
If you are so lazy that you couldn’t be bothered to read the above and simply wanted to take a few tips from this article away, to overcome Panda/Penguin updates:
  • Remove bad, low quality or little content articles.
  • Improve your SEO. 
  • Don’t write articles aimed at Google. Aim them at people.
  • Involve social media sharing as much as possible.
  • Try and write a few guest posts for other websites a week.
  • Make sure web users are satisfied with your website and its content. 
  • Email Google your frustration!
I would like to mention that this article was created in response to the below comment on ‘How May Google Panda Affect The Traffic To Your Blog?‘:

So Google Panda will affect only those website that have low quality content else it will not have any affect on your site. I would appreciate if you do a post on tips to overcome Google panda affect and strategy that we should follow so that our website doesn’t affected by Google

Basically, if you comment and ask for me to write articles for you, I will!



  1. Gahanna branding November 21, 2012
  2. blogunix December 5, 2012
  3. Jack taylor February 26, 2013
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