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5 Tips for Using PLR to Create Unique Content for Your Blog

With latest Google algorithm changes, it’s more important than ever to continuously add valuable, unique content to your blog. But what do you do when you’re stuck for ideas? For even the most seasoned blogger, it can be difficult to maintain a steady flow of posts that engage readers. High quality private label rights (PLR) articles can be your best friend for making sure you have content scheduled ahead of time. However, you don’t want to have the same thing on your blog as hundreds of others. How do you make that PLR unique and valuable at the same time?

There are a few quick and easy tricks for using PLR for creating unique content:

1. SEO the article for your audience
The first step for any post is to optimize it for a specific keyword that you can rank for. Do a little keyword research using something like the Google AdWords external keyword tool or the free keyword tool from Wordtracker. Find a long-tail keyword that fits the PLR article and make a note of it for when you revise the text.

2. Revise key parts of the article
At the absolute minimum, change the title, first sentences and part of the conclusion of the PLR piece. Make sure that you have SEO’d the article for your long-tail keyword by including it in your new title, in the first paragraph, somewhere in the middle, and in the conclusion. Using variations of the keyword is also important since it makes the text look more natural for Google.

3. Customize the article for your readers
Include examples that your readers can relate to throughout the article. For instance, if your target market includes moms and your article is about starting a small business, use examples of small home businesses that would fit a mom’s hectic schedule of child care and school pickups.

4. Break up the formatting
Many PLR articles come as small paragraphs of text. Reorganize the article to fit under different sub-headings to give it more visual interest. You could even change it to be a “top ten” or other bullet-point list.

5. Add images and graphics
By just adding image examples, graphics, or related videos you add value and uniqueness to an article. Make sure you include alt tags on your images that have your target keyword to make it even more SEO-optimized.

While these five tips just cover the tricks for making your PLR article unique, you can also easily change the media format of the content for adding even more value. For example, you can break the content into individual sentences, put them on Powerpoint slides and create a video with your narration recorded. Post this to YouTube and other video sites with a link back to your blog, where you can insert the video and add more commentary. That’s the kind of content that both Google and your readers will love, and it requires little effort on your part.

Sharyn Sheldon is the owner of Business Content PLR, which provides high quality PLR articles that are designed to be easy to make unique. You can also visit her blog where she share tips for how to build a successful online business.


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  1. Anonymous November 19, 2011

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