Twitter and the internet is forever growing at an incredible rate with thousands of new Twitter users, bloggers and websites being created every day. You will find though although the internet is surrounded by useful websites, not many people tweet these websites as it is seen as spam (especially if it’s your own website/blog!) and although it helped you, it may not help your followers. Well, stop the negative waves: here’s 5 reasons you should tweet websites and blogs, just like this one!
- It Encourages Tweets from Yourself – Twitter as well as benefiting your followers is designed to also benefit you. Reading articles on the internet and tweeting about them will encourage you to tweet more high quality tweets more frequently (that is if the article is high quality and can benefit your followers). More tweets, the more active you look on Twitter so more followers!
- Benefits Your Followers – Yes, not all website tweets will benefit your followers but that is because of the way the tweet button lays out your tweet as Article Name – URL to Article – Mention of Twitter user who created article (optional). This is dull and boring to your followers therefore spice things up! all you need to do to tweet a website is keep the URL in the tweet. The rest of the 140 characters is for you to use up!
- Helps Promote Web Article and You! – It’s obvious that tweeting a website will gain them more traffic from Twitter which is good for them. However, it will gain you more exposure for you too. hashtags, website URLs, keywords are searched every day in their millions. Your tweet will contain keywords no matter how bad a tweeter you are (and if you want, hashtags too). People will search for these keywords in Twitter and sooner or later will come across your tweet. This is where they can then follow you, mention you or just read the tweet! Either of the ways you will be increasing your exposure on Twitter.
- Identifies Yourself – Many people find it difficult to follow others because they don’t know what type of person they are just from the bio. By tweeting websites and web pages will help others identify what type of person you are. For example, tweeting this page will help people see you are a Twitter enthusiast who loves social media!
- Shows You Care for Your Followers – Not all the time should you tweet web pages that are useful to you. You might see a web page that is useful to your followers and tweet to benefit only your followers. This will make the followers feel happy that you are in theory ‘doing stuff’ for them (in this case tweeting useful links for them). They will feel more connected you encouraging them to stay followed to you.
There are many Twitter users that spam others with links to site. That’s wrong. It won’t get you on the article you tweeted anywhere. The key is to tweet links rarely, let’s say once every 3 days. This way, your followers will know the link is legit and high quality (supply and demand. Less tweeted links will encourage demand for link to be clicked on) so that your tweet will get maximum exposure from your followers and everyone else on Twitter.