A false relation is a type of dissonance that occurs in classical polyphonic renaissance music. There is a false relation in bar 13 between the top part and bottom part. The bottom part is playing a G natural where two beats later, the top part plays a G sharp.
There is a dominant pedal of A in the bottom part.
The fourth part in bar 1 creates syncopation by imitating the bar 1 of the top part one beat later. The fourth part also inverts the melody creating further syncopation.
It is a repeat of the previous bar with the only difference being that bar 22 is transposed one note higher than the previous bar 21.
The main similarities are that: They were printed on the same piece of paper to save paper. They are both composed by Anthony Holbourne. They have the same structure of AA BB CC. Both have no dynamics or tempo markings. Both have five parts where it was universal to what instruments were sued.
The main differences are that:
- Pavane is a sad sorrowful piece of music compared to Galliard which is happy and upbeat.
- Galliard has even phrasing unlike Pavane.
- Pavane is a slow piece compared to the more lively fast Galliard.
The music, being Pavane of NAM 13, was not intended for dancing to because of the uneven phrasing and slow tempo. This made it difficult to dance to. As well as this, the mood of the music is sorrowful making it difficult to dance to. This is made clearest through the tonic to dominant falling motif in bar 1-2 in the top part of Pavane. This falling motif represents grief in Elizabethan music.
NAM 13 has elements which indicate its from the late Renaissance period due to the:
- Falling tonic to dominant motif at the beginning of Pavane in the top part which represents grief in Elizabethan music.
- Instruments used. Holbourne doesn’t specify which instruments to be played because in the Renaissance period, music was composed for all instruments or instruments that were lying around the home at the time.
- Two pieces being printed together. Printing music in the Elizabethan period was still a new concept. For this reason, to save paper when handwriting the music out, the two pieces of music would be on the same piece of paper.
- Hemiola in Galliard at bar 14-16. The triple pulse changes to a duple pulse creating syncopation. This was a common characteristic of triple time dances written in the late Renaissance/early Baroque period.