Any great website requires a perfectly well managed hosting server that works smoothly using minimum resources. The importance of having a good hosting server can’t be undermined, as these days most businesses are relying on the Internet to run their operations. To ensure that an organization meets its service level agreements, it has to constantly monitor the working condition and health of the server to avoid performance glitches caused by server downtime or failure. Some of the parameters that should be monitored are:
- Server RAM
- Utilization of the CPU
- Temperature of the Server and its other components
- Bandwidth usage
Here are the 10 Best Server Monitoring Tools:
Simple Server Monitor
Simple Server Monitor is a server monitoring utility that regularly monitors the performance of your server and applications. It measures the uptime and downtime of your server. As soon as the server slows down or becomes unresponsive, it instantly sends a message to the site owner.
This is an excellent tool that works within the budget of many businesses. It comes with useful features such as easy to understand performance charts, minute-to minute monitoring system, popup messages, an e-mail and SMS alert, desktop alarms etc.
Pingdom is a server monitoring tool that tracks your website’s uptime and response time. This tool is also available as an iPhone application. This tool provides performance analysis in an easy to understand charts and tables format. This tool also helps in accurately identifying problems and trends.
Dot Com Monitor
The Dot Com Monitor is a highly advanced server monitoring tool that provides real-time performance analysis reports in the form of charts and tables. When a problem arises in the performance of the server, it sends alert messages to the right people. This tool comes with the option of creating multiple logins for multiple users, where each user has the permission to access varying parts of the monitoring tool. This tool allows you to monitor, report, notify, and analyze the performance of your server.
McAfee Secure
McAfee Secure is one of the most famous names in the field of internet security. McAfee monitors your server for potential virus attacks, security breaches, end-user identity protection, identity theft, online fraud, spam, spyware, online scams, among others.
Nagios is a complete IT infrastructure monitoring system that provides an overview of your organization’s operations network. It comes with a set of applications, protocols, operating systems, and system metrics. It will send an e-mail alert to your IT staff if and when a problem is identified. Nagios is compatible with many third-party and in-house applications.
Nimsoft Monitoring Solutions
Nimsoft is a server and configured server applications monitoring tool. It accounts for all core server resources, prints jobs, event logs, queues, etc. The Nimsoft dashboard has real-time status information, server status reports, performance and trend analysis reports and compliance reports.
Webmetrics Global Watch
Webmetrics is a popular web performance monitoring and management solutions tool that monitors your website and server performance status. It easily analyses downtime errors, identifies solutions to problems and performance issues. It provides monitoring and testing of parameters from the perspective of customers.
Orion Network Performance Monitor
Orion Performance Monitor is an advanced network performance monitoring tool. It easily manages data center networks and corporate networks. It comes with expandable modules, scalability and flexibility engines.
EnviroMUX Server Environment Monitoring Tool
EnviroMUX is a powerful server monitoring system that is highly effective in handling data centers, server closets, server temperature and humidity monitors, web hosting facilities, intrusion and vibration monitors, etc. This monitoring tool makes sure that your server is operating at optimum physical conditions. This tool also allows you to monitor the server from anywhere in the world with the help of up to 8 video cameras.
Jacarta interSeptor Pro
Jacarta interceptor Pro is a user-friendly monitoring tool that records and analyses temperature and environmental conditions around your server. It alerts you with an e-mail or SMS whenever the air-conditioner settings have to be changed. This tool comes with alarm sensors that can detect smoke, fire, power failures and water leaks.
This is a guest post by Dazzle Rogers of, a site that offers savings and current information on comcast bundle deals for cable and internet.
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