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10 Blogging Tips to Skyrocket Your Readership

As a professional blogger and copywriter for numerous online businesses, I spend much of my time researching, testing and implementing ways to make blog articles more appealing. It’s not enough to simply provide information. You need to provide content that appeals to visitors and keeps them reading. Are your blog articles really connecting with your readers? Check out these very simple tips that will help you to take your blog to the next level right now:


Write a compelling headline

This will catch your reader’s eye right out of the gate, and it’s critically important. Which sounds more engaging: “How to Write a Novel” or “How to Write a New York Times Bestseller”? Give people a reason to click the article link.

Write a gripping opening paragraph

Many readers won’t continue beyond the first paragraph if the opening sentences don’t pique their interest. So you will want to summarize the content of the article, but also emphasize how the article will enrich the reader’s life. As the old saying goes, don’t bury the lead.

Include calls to action

Phrases like, “Shop now, “Call us today” or “Check out this viral video” can be very powerful. Don’t just highlight a topic. Motivate your readers to take action. And this doesn’t just apply to marketing and business blogs.

Close strong

Your closing paragraph—in addition including calls to action—should drive home your message and leave your readers thinking about the topic at hand.

Use numbers, bullets and subheadings

By breaking up your blog content into small, easily-digestible sections, you greatly increase the likelihood that readers will see the article through to the end. Long blocks of uninterrupted text can be intimidating, and will drive many readers away.

Include images

Visual appeal can greatly enhance your article, so don’t forget to incorporate appealing images.

Find your voice

Your readers should feel as though you’re talking directly to them. Even if you’re writing a scholarly blog, your voice should still reflect enough personality to connect directly with readers.

Pay attention to SEO

What’s the point of writing a great blog article if nobody online can find it? Incorporate keywords that are relevant to the text, create keyword-rich headings and write a unique title tag and meta description for each article. Your images should also include alt attributes that incorporate your target keywords.

Proofread before publishing

Many readers are turned off by poor spelling and grammar, and sloppy writing will definitely hinder the credibility of your words.

Write content that is relevant and interesting to your reader base

This one pretty much speaks for itself, but the relevance of your subject matter can make all the difference in the world.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start writing the kinds of blog articles that keep readers begging for more!

Chris Scalise is an SEO a professional Internet marketer and blogger, who maintains blogs for sites like Next Day Flyers and Pallet Truth. His articles have appeared in national newspapers and in many major web properties, including Livestrong.com and the San Francisco Chronicle.


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