So you have a blog, you laid it out all nicely making beautiful landing pages for visitors to see as first impressions. The next step to creating a successful blog with traffic is to create your blog post or content. Any blogger can say that the most important part of any blog is the content. It’s what drives traffic to the blog. For this reason, here’s 10 steps you will want to do before/during/after the creation and making of your blog entry.
1. Brainstorm
First you will need to come up with the back bone of your blog post: the idea. You can do this in many ways which I have listed below:
- How to make useful content for your Blogger blog relevant to search engine visitors
- How to Get Over Writer’s Block as a Blogger – ‘Blogger’s Block’
Once you have your idea, ask yourself some questions:
- Is this idea worth making a blog post on?
- Can it get organic traffic? (from Google etc..)
- Is it linked to your blog’s theme?
If the answers are yes for all, you can move to step 2.
2. Research Your Idea
A blog post will be pointless if it doesn’t provide valuable information for the person reading. 5 minutes of research will gain you a few facts figures etc.. which you can interweave into your blog post. This will help the reader gain something from reading your post encouraging them to visit your blog and other posts in future.
3. Create the Title to Your Post
This is one of the most important parts to your post as this is where most of the SEO is. Place as many keywords in the title as possible without making it sound too keyword packed (if you get me..).
4. Research the Competitors
There is no point in writing a blog post that has been writing by hundreds of bloggers already. Google your title to see if anyone has written the same type of post. If there are many, it will be hard to compete. If there are few, then you know you will have a chance of competing on Google.
5. Bullet Point Your Post
This will seem like a waste of time to you but it is extremely crucial to the layout and structure of your blog post. Bullet point the main ideas in your post giving you the chance write a paragraph on each of the bullet points. This will give your post great structure.
6. Write the Introduction
Again, this is extremely important to SEO as Google are rumoured to process the first 101K of any post to Google. So be sure to pack your intro in with keywords again. For example, take my intro where I have highlighted the keywords so you can see how I packed the intro with keywords:
So you have a blog, you laid it out all nicely making beautiful landing pages for visitors to see as first impressions. The next step to creating a successful blog with traffic is to create your blog post or content. Any blogger can say that the most important part of any blog is the content. It’s what drives traffic to the blog. For this reason, here’s 10 steps you will want to do before/during/after the creation and making of your blog entry.
7. Write the Body of Your Post
Here, you won’t need to be as high on SEO. You can also use your bullet points you created in step 5 to help you with each paragraph you write.
8. Leave a Bio
It is important to give those reading the opportunity to tell them a little something about yourself be it what you do, who you are or even a link to social media websites such as Twitter (as I have done on this post). Don’t advertise yourself too much, just give readers a hint of who you are for them to decide whether they want to follow your updates or not.
9. Embed Links
To decrease bounce rate, scatter internal links all over your post in an attempt to keep the reader on your site. Usually try to link keywords such as I have with ‘decrease bounce rate’.
10. Share!
To gain as much exposure to your post, try to share it as much with social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and others. This will 100% increase traffic to your post. Now you can just sit back, relax and watch the traffic roll in.